Democrats and Communism

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

......Clinton and his administration lie like the communists of the former regime of Nicolae Ceausescu

' A person is known by their friends '

What is a NEO - COMM ? It's Pug's
created name for Democrats that don't call
themselves communists, but think, act,
legislate,propagandize, omit, evade, twist,
and lie to the American people like
communists ( Would also include the
liberal Democrat bias media; Rush Limbaugh
said recently : " There is no media in
this country anymore - It is the propaganda
arm of the Democrat Party. " )

TRUE ! NEO - COMM conduct prevalent in American
politics, Universities and community Colleges:

1) Falsely accuse others or a political Party
of being racist to get what one wants
politically or otherwise ; effect - for fear
of being called racist one cave's in instead
of standing for the good and right.

a. Perpetrators of this travesty in American
society :

1. Democrat elected officials and candidates,
Leftwing College campus Professors,
even down to some High School and
elementary school level teachers.

2. Liberal Democrat bias network channels
News, sitcoms, movies.

2) Trying to find racism under every rock,
where there is none.

3) Falsely propagandizing Republicans are for the rich.
( Hence, falsely planting they are not for the poor. )
Communism in communist countries does exactly this.
' The Bourgeoisie' rich ' is the catch phrase communists
commonly use against the rich in sprouting
communist revolution in countries.
And after doing this, they complain falsely the poor
( or certain ethnicity's of race ) are disadvantaged
from opportunity, this after promoting their failed policies
destroying business growth that provide opportunity for jobs !!!

What American does not care about the poor ?
Question : But where do the Democrat exploitation
demagoguery, divisiveness, and false accusations about
Republicans concerning the poor in the U.S. end ?

All the while the Democrats unreasonably and irrationally
import poverty at American's expense; masses and millions
of poor illegal aliens for thier own exploitation to get
votes from them. This is oppression and subversion of
Americans voting rights by exploitation, corruption and
lawlessness bt the Democrats: Federal law prohibits the
hiring of illegal aliens.

Americans are very compassionate for the less fortunate,
but the illegal alien refugee problem is out of control.
Why ? Decause the Democrat Party exploits them for
political gain.

Is it interesting that communist activists have shown up
for rallies organized by groups of good Americans
attempting to help solve the problem and relieve Americans
of the ruinous effect associated with the unsustainable
costs of the illegal alienin invasion. These good folks are
not racist at all, but responsible Americans - vs - irresponsible
and corrupt Democrats and RINO Republicans (Republican In
Name Only). Many good elected Republicans stand on the
proper side of this issue.

The illegal alien invasion has bankrupted and ruined the
education system, health care, infrastructure, social
services, caused crime, and taken jobs of good Americans.

Corrupt Democrats such as Barack Obama and his cohort
Democrats demand citizens pay for their 'free' health care,
'free' Social Security 'free'education, welfare, jackpot
babies and children ( WIC ), and everything else
(illegals cost Los Angeles county $ 400 million every
year - per Supervisor Zarvlosky's office 2007 )

It is against Federal law to hire illegal aliens !
All this while Americans quality of life goes down, health
care costs go up, infrastructure: sewer systems,roads
deteriorate and don't get fixed ( because more than $ 10
billion dollars a year in tax money goes to illegal aliens
instead ), water and electricity availability,
education - College costs go up.

California pays $10 billion or
more to illegal aliens illegal aliens.
Focus: $ 16 billion debt crisis of the State
of California is this year, 2008.
( Revised: $ 42 Billion by the end of 2009 !
This was separate and apart from the national
financial crisis , which in fact is a national
crisis cause by DEMOCRATS alone including
Barack Obama. See 'How The Democrats Caused
The Financial Crisis' at

And: the NEO-COMMS falsely call racist those who
stand up illegal alienismand try to stop it. The
Califoria elected Democrats and candidates are
racebaiting, false accusing race PIMPS LIARS.

4) Constantly promoting class envy, class warfare.
Communism in communist countries does exactly this :
'The Bourgese' rich' is the catch phrase communists
commonly use against the rich in sprouting
communist revolution in countries.

According to Rush Limbaugh 10/18/08,
Barack Obama's associated alliance
Willam Ayers ( former Domestic terrorist
of the Weather underground ):
Ayers was in Venezuela
having an education summit with
Hugo Chavez several years ago
( 2-3 yrs ago ).

Note : Hugo Chavez, communist, took control
of that country recently.

According to Talk radio host
Rush Limbaugh: Barack Obama /
William Ayers Alliance, connection
to the current financial crisis
2008 - 2009

Rush Limbaugh stated ( on air between
10/4/08 and 10/11/08 ) thatBarack Obama's
friend Willaim Ayers passed about $100
million to Barack Obama's ACORN
organization, money that Barack Obama
worked to acquire from Ayer's
Annenberg grant, Barack Obama's
group then gave that money to low income
constituents in the form of sub-prime
mortgage loans - which in turn caused
the current financial crisis.
Rush L. said that in doing this,
Barack Obama sold and bought votes from
these people.

When Sarah Palin and John McCain
brought up Barack Obama's alliance and friendship
with past Weather underground domestic terrorist
Willaim Ayers
on Sat.Oct 4 -5, 2008.

On Oct. 11, 2008, Barack Obama responded
not with explanation, but " They are doing
that because John McCain wants to distract
from the issues most important to the
American people..."

- See Clinton True Era Story Below -
Caller's Name: anonymous

TA has more political fun !
Campaign 2000,

Guest on AM 870 KRLA Radio
Lanny Davis, aide of Pres.
Bill Clinton, gets infuriated at caller
TA ( Caller's Name: anonymous )

TA, a regular caller to Conservative talk programs,
called talk in to Conservative AM 870 KRLA talk radio
program in mid-2000. Clinton aide Lanny Davis was the
guest that day. TA called in specifically to reveal
a TIME magazine quote by Conservative Bill Bennett;
a quote describing the extreme dishonesty and lack of
character of then Democrat President Bill Clinton and
his administration.

TA was put on hold and then brought on as a caller
with a comment to Clinton aide Lanny Davis and the
listeners. TA wasted no time, and ( to potentially
millions of listeners! ) on air referred to TIME
magazine's quote by Conservative Bill Bennett:

" Time magazine quoted a comment by Conservative
Bill Bennett saying that Clinton and his administration
lie like the communists of the former regime of
communist Nicolae Ceausescu."
( Nicolae Ceausescu, Romanian Communist leader
and President 1967-89 of the communist country
of Romania )

Immediately reacting, Lanny Davis flew into an angry
fit, falsely labeling TA as a part of the radical
extreme right, "This is what you get from the extreme
right wing talk radio !"

Yes, and Blah. Blah, blah , ha, ha. After his time on
air, TA felt proud with a feeling of great success;
honored to be able to speak the truth to the American
public about the Democrats, Bill Clinton, and his
administration on national radio, and : say it to one
of Clinton's THEN personal Presidential aides!
Success and More Political fun !

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